10:30 to 11:30 a.m., Feb. 15 to 22, 2019
Drama Building 116
moscow art theatre - Study abroad
information session
Friday, February 15
Session 1: 10:30-11:30 AM
Session 2: 4-5 PM
Where: Drama 116
Considering Study Abroad?
Not sure what your options are?
Attend an information session to ask questions about the application process, scholarship opportunities, and program details.
UA Faculty in charge of the program Professor Greg Pierotti (School of Theatre, Film & Television) and Professor Colleen Lucey (Russian and Slavic Studies) will be there to answer your questions and help with the online application.
Questions? Contact Prof. Pierotti (pierotti@email.arizona.edu ) or Prof. Lucey (luceyc@email.arizona.edu)