Double Majors and Dual Degrees

Russian and Slavic Studies at the University of Arizona collaborated with other units to make it easier for students to graduate with double majors and/or dual degrees. Through special agreements, some courses can count for both degrees, allowing students to complete two majors within four years and be more marketable graduates on the global job market. 

Even outside of these particular combinations, students who pursue a double major in Russian and another discipline often have the opportunity to multiple-use two or more courses toward the completion of both majors. Check with your advisors for more information.

Students earning double majors stand out to employers and graduate and professional schools as having a more comprehensive education providing the skills to think creatively, navigate complex projects, take initiative, provide innovative solutions, lead collaborative teams and communicate effectively with a diverse range of people.

Popular Combinations for Russian Students

Agreements allow students to share some course requirements for the following double major/dual degree combinations:

For students who wish to double major in Russian and Global Studies, courses applying toward both majors can be double counted, as long as the requirements for each major are met. 

GLS/RSSS double majors should discuss, with their advisors, options for double-counting courses toward both majors, including the following courses:

RSSS 210 Utopian Visions: Promises and Reality in 20th Century Russia
RSSS 302 Advanced Grammar and Composition

Students who wish to double major in Russian and World Literature may take up to 15 credit hours (5 courses) that will count toward satisfying the requirements of both majors.  The student will still need to fulfill all the core and area distribution requirements for both majors.

WLIT/RSSS double majors may double-dip up to 15 credits (5 courses) for both majors from the following courses:

RSSS 328 Women in Russian Literature and Culture
RSSS 340 The Pen and the Sword: Russian Writers and Autocracy 1825-1905
RSSS 368A Literature III
RSSS 368B Literature III
RSSS 405A Great Authors of the 19th Century
RSSS 405B Great Authors of the 20th Century
RSSS 406A Literature
RSSS 406B Literature
RSSS 415 Advanced Topics in Russian Language, Literature and Linguistics
RSSS 468A Literature IV
RSSS 468B Literature IV

Other Double Major Combinations Popular with Students Include:
  • Russian and Biochemistry
  • Russian and Biology
  • Russian and Biomedical Engineering
  • Russian and Business Management
  • Russian and Chemistry
  • Russian and Communication
  • Russian and Computer Science
  • Russian and Criminal Justice Studies
  • Russian and English
  • Russian and French
  • Russian and Information Sciences & Technology
  • Russian and Linguistics
  • Russian and Microbiology
  • Russian and Neuroscience & Cognitive Science
  • Russian and Performance
  • Russian and Political Science
  • Russian and Pre-Nursing
  • Russian and Psychology
  • Russian and Spanish
  • Russian and Sustainable Built Environments
  • Russian and Veterinary Science

If you are interested in any of these combinations or would like information on a grouping that is not listed above, please schedule an appointment with one of our advisors who can guide you through the process.