The Global Studies program, in conjunction with Russian and Slavic Studies, East Asian Studies, and the School of International Languages, Literatures, and Cultures, is hosting a screening of Live from UB: A Documentary about Rock & Freedom in the New Mongolia, followed by a Q & A with the filmmaker, Lauren Knapp. The screening is free and open to the public, and it will be held on Friday, Oct. 30, at 5:00 PM in ILC 130.
From the film's official website:
"LIVE FROM UB explores the small but vibrant rock scene in Mongolia’s capital, Ulaanbaatar (also called ‘UB’). It blends the story of one band creating original Mongolian rock with interviews from experts and Mongolian rock legends. Rock was a catalyst in the democratic revolution of the late 1980s and early 1990s. Now, more than twenty years later, the first generation to grow up in this new society is making its own music. Unlike the generation before them, the new music makers grew up watching MTV and can access music from anywhere in the world in an instant. But these young Mongolians are defying the forces of globalization and using modern music to both explore and assert their own unique heritage. Like Mongolia at large, they are eager to be recognized beyond their borders, but without sacrificing their identity."