Love, sex, blood, guts, a disastrous horse race, and a hip mazurka – Anna Karenina is a book that has it all. See how directors from around the world have translated Anna from page to screen. That train notwithstanding, actresses from Greta Garbo to Keira Knightley show that nothing can keep a good (bad?) woman down. At this annual closing event of Humanities Week, the Russian & Slavic Studies Department celebrates the work of Count Lev Nikolayevich Tolstoy in readings and video clips that highlight key elements in the story of his famous heroine. A pre-reception will begin at 6:15 p.m.
Presented by: UA Russian & Slavic Studies Department
This presentation is part of “Humanities Week 2015: Found in Translation”. This free, weeklong series of events is sponsored by the University of Arizona College of Humanities. All Humanities Week events are free and open to the public and are held in the Dorothy Rubel Room at the University of Arizona Poetry Center. For more detailed descriptions of the lectures, please visit or call (520) 626-4319.