Dr. John G. Garrard, Professor Emeritus of Russian Studies, has published nine books and over sixty articles on Russian/Soviet cultural history, World War II, the Holocaust and the Russian Orthodox Church. He has twice been a Wilson Fellow at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. His co-authored book with his wife Carol, The Bones of Berdichev: The Life and Fate of Vasily Grossman, was translated into Italian and in 2009 won the Italian National History/Biography Prize, the Giovanni Comisso Premio. His donated database, The Brest Ghetto Passport archive, is hosted by the Jewish Genealogical Society and contains 12,640 names of victims. In 2008, John was recognized for Distinguished Contributions to the Humanities. He retired from the University of Arizona in 2010. All of the research for his books can be found at Harvard University’s Houghton Rare Book & Manuscript Library.